Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Chapter Six: The Twins

The cigar man is sitting in his dark office, smoking his cigar. He let out a large puff of smoke towards the ceiling. 
The phone on his desk rang. He picked up the receiver after one ring. He said in Russian, "Yes?"
The man on the other end of the line answered, also in Russian, "Sir, the girl is heading towards Hawkins. I believe she is spending Christmas there with some friends."
"Good. You stay where you are. I will be sending the twins her way."
"But, sir, is it wise to give this job to them?" the man on the phone asked, "They are not the most cooperative assets."
"I have faith in the twins. You should too," the cigar man answered. 
"Yes, sir." The phone clicked. 
The cigar man hung up the phone and let out another large puff of smoke. 
It has been three weeks since Jacob's suicide. Joyce lifted Jane's grounding, but Jane didn't want to go anywhere. 
Will was taking it especially hard. Even though Jacob said it wasn't his fault, Will still felt guilty. He spent a majority of his time in his room.
Aside from the tragedy, things were happening. Joyce took the kids to a large mall in Indianapolis for a Christmas shopping trip. First they stopped at a jewelry store. There, was an old man with wispy white hair and thick glasses  
"Hi," Joyce said to the clerk, "I'm here to pick up something for Jim Hopper."
"Hopper, yes," the clerk answered, "Are you Jane?"
"This is Jane," Joyce put her arm around Jane. 
"Is it alright that she sees it?"
"I'm not even sure what it is," Joyce replied, "The call came out of nowhere."
"Oh, it is lovely," the clerk exclaimed, "Just beautiful. He called us up about six months ago and ordered it out of our catalog. Said it was for Jane."
The clerk pulled a small flat box out from under the counter.
"It is already paid in full," the clerk said, "Will Mr. Hopper be in to sign for it?"
"He passed away six months ago," Jane said quietly. 
The old man's face wrinkled with sadness. "Honey, I am so sorry."
"Thank you," Jane said.
"Is it alright that I sign for it?" Joyce asked.
"Absolutely," the clerk answered. "I can't keep this from you guys."
The clerk pushed the box to Jane. Jane took the box and opened it. She gasped.
Inside was a charm bracelet. A crescent moon and several stars dangled from the band. The letters "XI" hung in the center.
"Oh, Jane, that's beautiful," Joyce said breathlessly. 
"Mr. Hopper requested the letters," the clerk commented, "I don't know what it means."
"Eleven," Jane whispered to herself.
Later Joyce took Jane to get her ears pierced. Jane picked out a nice pair with pearls.
Christmas Eve morning, the Byers station wagon was loaded to the ceiling with their bags and gifts. Joyce guided the car through the icy winds toward Hawkins.
They arrived at the Wheeler house. Mike was standing in the driveway with his father. Joyce gave two short honks from the horn. Mike looked up and ran toward the car.
Jane got out of the car. Mike nearly mowed her down as he embraced her.
"Oh, Mike," she giggled. 
"It's been too long, El," Mike said.
"25 days."
"Too long," Mike said again. 
Jane giggled again. He looked at his face. She missed looking at it for hours on end. She was going to make sure she'd do this during her stay.
Mike noticed her earrings. "Where'd you get those?" He asked, gesturing to the earrings. 
"Oh, Mrs. Byers took me to the mall in Indianapolis as an early Christmas gift," Jane answered, "Do you like them?"
Mike gave a long pause, and then said, "I love them."
Jane smiled. 
"Hey!" Mike and Jane turned around. Will was helping Jonathan unload the car.
"We brought a ton of stuff," Will said, "Do you mind giving us a hand?"
"Oh, yeah." Mike and Jane picked up bags of presents each, and they carried them into the house.
Green garland lined the walls and spiraled up the banister. Gold plastic bells hung in the entryway to the living room. A tall tree stood in a corner near the window. 
Dustin came up from the basement. Jane set down the presents and embraced him.
"How's my crazy friend doing today?" Dustin asked.
"Better now that I'm here," Jane answered. 
Dustin let go. "I got a surprise," he said with excitement, "Suzy is coming for Christmas too. She should be here in the next couple hours."
"You sure she's got the right address, Dusty-bun?" Jane asked with a smile.
"Stop that," Dustin's smile dropped, "I've been dealing with that from Max and Lucas already today."
Jane nearly jumped in the air. "Max is here?"
Jane bounded down the stairs to the basement. Two squeals echoed from below.
Mike came in with his bags of presents and set them down. Lucas came up from the basement. 
"Dude," Lucas asked Mike, "you sure El's here to see you?"
"Probably for the best," Mike said, "I struck out again on a gift for her."
"Shit," Dustin commented. 
"Time is running out, man," Lucas said. 
"I know," Mike said frantically. 
It was great catching up with Max again. She had a new set of Wonder Woman comic books to share. Luckily, they aren't the same issues Jane planned to give to Max.
The boys came downstairs, and the real party began. They played Mouse Trap, and Jane won. Several rounds of Connect Four were played. Will was the reigning champ. 
They were in the middle of charades, it was Mike's turn, when a voice cracked from the corner.
"Dustin, are you there?" The voice said, "This is a code red."
Lucas heard it first. "Hey, Dustin, your bag is talking."
"Oh, shit."Dustin bounded over over his backpack and pulled out his walkie talkie. "This is Dustin, over," he spoke into the walkie.
"Dustin, thank goodness," the voice shouted from the walkie. 
Dustin smiled, "Hey, Suzy-poo, what your twenty?"
"Shh, my parents are here," Suzie quickly said.
"Oh, shit," Dustin quickly said. 
"Dustin, we need your help," Suzie said from the walkie. "A deer jumped in front of us, and we lost control, and now we're in a ditch."
The other kids looked up at Dustin. 
"Okay, okay, can you tell me where you are? Any markers nearby?" Dustin asked.
The walkie was silent for a second. "Okay," Suzie finally said, "I see the road sign. We are on State Road 9. There is a farm nearby."
"I know where that is," Will said, "but the place is abandoned."
Dustin turned back to the walkie. "All right, Suzie. We have a plan. Just sit tight. We'll get help out there. Keep your walkie on. Do you copy?"
"I copy. Over and out," Suzie responded. 
Will was already on the phone. "I received a call from my radio that my friend has slid off the road. She is stuck on State Road 9 out by McLaren's Farm."
Once Will placed the call to get help out to Suzie, it was a waiting game. Mike went upstairs to get snacks. Dustin sat with his walkie in his hands. Max, Will, and Lucas started a game of Uno.
Jane sat on the couch. She thought about Mike's comment on her earrings. She could tell that he didn't like them. But she doesn't understand why. When she picked them out, she thought Mike would love them. She wanted to be pretty for him. 
Mike came down the stairs. 
"Draw four, Lucas," Max said, slamming a card down.
"Damn it!" Lucas exclaimed. 
Max and Will laughed. 
"I swear sometimes you hate me, missy," Lucas said. 
"That's the fun of dating me," Max smiled devilishly. 
"Well, we'll see about that when I hit Will with a Skip." Lucas put down the card. 
"Oh, no," Will said sarcastically, "I've been skipped. Help me, Max Mayfield. You're my only hope."
Max placed a different colored Skip card on the pile.
"Goddamn it!" Lucas went ballistic. 
Max and Will cackled.
Lucas threw down his cards, "I'm done." He got up.
"Lucas, come back," Will pleaded. 
"Yeah, we were just playing," Max pleaded. 
They continued to argue with Lucas. Mike had reached the couch. He sat down next to Jane and handed her a cup.
"Here," Mike said, "I snuck some of Mom's punch upstairs."
"Thank you," Jane said kindly. 
"Do you miss him?" Mike asked. 
Jane assumed he meant Hopper. She hadn't thought him in weeks, but it made her sad thinking she was spending another Christmas without him.
"Yeah," she finally said. 
"Despite everything he did to us," Mike said, "I actually miss him too."
They both took a sip from their cups. They both made the most disgusted faces as they struggle to swallow. 
"Oh, it burns!" Mike finally swallowed. 
"I can't believe Hop liked this stuff," Jane giggled. 
Mike laughed too. It was nice hearing him laugh. 
Mike looked down at her wrist and eyed the bracelet. 
"Where did you get this?" He asked stroking the bracelet. 
"Hop," Jane answered, "Mrs. Byers received a phone call that he picked it out months ago."
Mike's face was expressionless. "It's pretty, " he said.
"Thanks," Jane smiled.
Mike took another sip from his cup.
Jane sighed and looked away. She was fearing the worst: Mike doesn't have a gift for her.
Suddenly, Suzie's voice exploded from Dustin's walkie.
"Dustin!" She shouted, "Do you copy?" She sounded scared.
"I copy, go ahead," Dustin spoke into the walkie. 
"Dustin, help!" It was almost like she was crying. 
Dustin became scared. "What's wrong?"
"They've come for us!"
"Who came for you?" Dustin yelled.
There was static.
"Suzie?" There was fear in Dustin's voice. "Suzie!" 
Suzie didn't respond. 
Ten minutes later, everyone was bundled up and racing in the snow toward the Byers' station wagon.
"Can anybody drive?" Mike asked aloud. 
"I never done it in the snow," Max answered.
"Me neither," Will said.
"I don't have a permit yet," Lucas said.
"Keys!" Mike shouted. Will tossed him the keys, who successfully caught them.
Everyone got in the car. Will climbed into the front passenger seat. Everyone else got in the back.
Mike turned the car over. It sputtered but then roared to life. "All right, get in," he said.
"We're in," Dustin said, "Go, go, go, go, go!"
The station wagon slid out of the driveway and onto the road. It did a small fishtail as it sped down the icy road.
"You sure you can drive this thing?" Will asked Mike.
"Yes, I can!" Mike fired back. "Now, shut up!"
"You're speeding on an icy road," Max interjected. "You're gonna get us killed before we even get to Suzie."
"I said 'SHUT UP!'" Mike yelled.
"All of you, shut up!" Dustin yelled from the very back. He put his head in his hands.
The kids got quiet.
The silence was deafening to Jane. She kept thinking about Mike's strange behavior. All these gifts from Hopper and Joyce, and he just acted like they are nothing. As if he felt guilty for not getting her a gift. Or maybe, he did get her a gift, but he compared it to the earrings and bracelet. 
There was a tap on her shoulder. She turned. 
"Hey, how are you holding up?" Max asked in a low voice.
Jane knew Max meant well, but she was starting to get furious. "I'd be better if people would stop asking how I'm doing," she answered in a low voice. She turned away.
"Sorry," Max said. She changed the subject, "Did Mike get you anything?"
"Not yet," Jane sighed.
"Do you think got you anything?"
"I don't think so," Jane turned to face Max again. "He said he liked my bracelet, but I could tell he didn't."
"Well, whatever it is, just say thanks with a smile, and we'll burn it together later," Max said with a smile, "I'm sure Lucas got me something dumb too, like a Star Wars sweater or something."
Both Max and Jane snickered. Jane felt better; Max always seemed to have an answer for everything. 
"Mike, stop," Will said, "I think I see the car."
Everyone looked up.
Mike pulled the car over and stopped. Everyone got out and crossed the road to a car parked perpendicular to the road with its tail in the ditch.
Dustin ran up to the car first and peeked into the window. "Suzie!" He called out.
Mike approached the car. Dustin turned to him, "she's gone."
Mike leaned against the car and sighed. Dustin learned forward on the door and began to cry.
Jane followed Max and Lucas around the car. There were large dents in the side.
"There was a struggle," Max said.
"Guys, there's something written in here," Dustin shouted. 
The three ran around to Mike and Dustin. 
Dustin was pulling on the back car door.
"The son of a bitch is frozen," he grunted.
"Let me try." Mike turned and began to pull.
The door popped open, causing Mike to lose his balance. He landed hard on the ground. He looked up at Jane. Jane looked back at him confused. 
"Thought they were back," Mike said, defeated. 
Jane scoffed. He was hoping to see her nose bleed. He had the nerve to think she'd helped him.
Dustin peaked into the open door.
"What does it say?" Mike asked. 
"It says '3946,'" Dustin answered. 
"What does that mean?" Will asked. 
"I don't know," Dustin said. 
Jane had turned away from the group. She noticed a deer on the other side of the road. There was a massive gash in the side of it, like it was ripped apart or eaten.
"It's a frequency," Dustin suddenly shouted. 
Jane turned around. 
Dustin was climbing out of the car.
"What?" Mike said unmoved. 
"3946 is a radio frequency used by the police," Dustin explained. 
"So we got some dirty cops," Mike said. 
"Got stuck working on Christmas?" Dustin clued in.
"But why would cops want to kidnap out-of-towners?" Lucas asked. 
"I don't know but we need to find out where they're heading." Dustin began heading towards the car. 
Weathertop Hill was untouched, displaying a white sea of snow. A tall post swayed in the slight wind.
Dustin led the kids up the snowy hill to the post. He brushed the snow away revealing a control box with switches and knobs. He began adjusting to frequency 34.96.
The rest of the group have finally reached Dustin just as chatter was wafting from the radio.
Chief Callahan's voice is heard, "All…"
Dustin adjusted the antenna.
The broadcast became clearer.
"Fifty-three, reporting."
"Thirty-seven, reporting."
"Twelve, reporting."
"Forty-four, reporting."
There was silence.
"Twenty-nine, come in," Callahan said. 
"Twenty-nine, do you copy?" Callahan said. "Come in."
Dustin became focused as silence returned. 
"This is twenty-nine, we copy," a voice rang out.
"What happened, Paulson?" Callahan asked. 
Dustin mouthed Paulson's name. 
"Mark and I were checking a disturbance over at McLaren's Farm," Paulson answered. 
"Did you see a car on the road nearby?" Callahan asked. 
"No, we did not, but we'll look again."
"All right, thanks, Paulson. Report back when you find anything," Callahan instructed. 
"Copy, Chief, over and out," Paulson replied. 
The radio went silent. 
Dustin sighed.
"Well, we know that they're lying," Mike said. 
"The question is why," Dustin muttered. 
Jane spoke up for the first time since Suzie's distress call, "I remember seeing a deer on the side of the road."
The kids turned to look at Jane. 
"Maybe they hit it?" Jane suggested. 
"There wasn't blood on the car," Max said.
"Yeah, and the car wasn't damaged," Lucas pointed out, "A deer can mess up a car real good."
"What if it was a distraction?" Will said.
Lucas turned to Will, "What?"
"What if it was foul play?"
"You're saying someone hurled a 200-pound deer at a moving vehicle?" Lucas asked in disbelief. 
"It's possible," Will shrugged.
"No," Lucas interjected, "You have to be the Hulk to throw something like that."
"What if…?"
Lucas' eyes widened. "No!" he said stunningly. 
"Do you really think that?" Mike was piecing it together. 
Will nodded.
"I forgot to say that the deer was clawed to death," Jane said quietly. 
The other kids looked at her with terrified expressions.
"Oh, shit!" said Lucas.
It was getting dark. The white snow began to turn blue in the rising moonlight.
The kids sat in silence as Mike drove the car back to McLaren's Farm. 
"It doesn't make sense," Lucas finally said, "We stopped them. When El closed the gate, they died."
"Lucas, since Will's disappearance, when has anything made sense?" Asked Mike. 
"But they can't be back, Lucas said firmly, "Closing the gate killed them, and we closed that gate twice. They should be dead."
"Can you guys just shut up?" Max sighed. "They're back and there's nothing to do about it."
After a short silence, Dustin piped up. "Oh, yes, we can," he said with determination. 
Dustin began to adjust his walkie. Once he was ready, he spoke into it, "Breaker, breaker, Mullet Man, do you copy?"
There was static. Then, "Copy, Dentist. I told you to stop calling me 'Mullet Man.'"
It was Steve.
Dustin snickered to himself. Then he got serious. He spoke into the walkie, "This is an emergency. We have a code red."
"What's wrong?" Steve asked.
"Do you still have the bat?" Dustin asked. 
"I never travel without it," Steve answered. 
"Bring that and every weapon you can find," Dustin ordered. "Meet us at McLaren's Farm."
"That abandoned place?" Steve's voice sounded confused.
"Dustin, this is Nancy," another voice came from the walkie, "are they back?"
"We have every reason they are," Dustin said back. "Hurry! They got Suzie."
"Copy, Dentist. Over and out." The walkie went silent. 
The large barn stood tall in the low light, casting a massive shadow, from the moon, over the field.
Mike rolled the station wagon towards the dark building, with the lights off, and stopped. Everyone got out.
"Aside from ours, there are fresh tracks here," Lucas said looking at the snow.
Jane looked around the farm. Her gaze stopped at the ground. There were footprints in the snow unlike anything she's seen. She called for Mike.
Mike ran up to Jane, "What is it?" He followed her gaze. "Oh, shit. Guys!"
The other kids gathered around them and stared at the prints. 
"Oh, shit," Lucas commented. 
Just then, there was a crash. Everyone turned in its direction. There was a wooden door on the side of the barn.
Jane stepped in front of the group. 
Mike leaned in behind Jane. "You sure you got this?" He asked her.
"We'll find out," she said with focused tone. She hasn't been able to do anything since the summer. But if it were to return, now would be a good time. 
Jane began stepping towards the barn. She raised her hand, ready to strike. 
The door, however, didn't budge. 
Jane was starting to get frustrated. She began to pick up her pace. It was as if she was racing to the door.
She finally reached the door and pulled. She nearly fell down for the door swung outward with ease.
She stood in shock. She felt defeated. The door wasn't locked at all.
The others caught up with Jane. 
"Well, that was stupid," Lucas said. 
"Lucas, shut up," Mike scoffed. 
"Of them," Lucas quickly defended himself. "That was stupid of them. What I said was not meant for Eleven."
"Real smooth," Max muttered at Lucas.
Mike placed a hand on Jane's shoulder. "Hey, it's okay."
Jane sighed.
Dustin pushed passed them. "Come on," he said, "my love awaits."
Dustin led the group into the barn. Inside was dark and empty with the exception of an array of rusty tools strewn about the floor and on the wall. A large pile of rotting hay laid in a far corner.
There was a flick and a large beam of light cast a shadow on the group. Everyone turned around to find Lucas had produced a flashlight.
"Lucas!" Mike yelled in a whisper.
"What?" Lucas whispered back, "I came prepared."
"Guys, shut up," Dustin whispered, "find a weapon."
The group split up around the room. Dustin picked up a rusty pitchfork. Will found a pair of pruners in the corner.  Max and Lucas raced to grab the scythe off the wall, but Max won. Lucas took the trowel.
Jane dug in the pile of hay and found a shovel. As she picked it up, she noticed that the dirt was freshly turned. She dug into the dirt.
A hand, thin and faded, poked up from the ground.
Jane jumped back in horror, starting to hyperventilate. She had a flashback of finding Barb Holland dead in the Upside Down. Jane screamed in terror.
Something grabbed her from behind.
"El, it's okay! You're safe!" Mike yelled. 
Jane was back in the barn. Mike was hugging her from behind. 
"You're safe," Mike said again. 
Jane sobbed and turned around. "Mike," she cried into his chest. 
"Shh, it's okay." Mike petted her hair.
The other kids approached them. 
"What happened?" Lucas asked. 
Everyone followed Mike's gaze to the hand.
"Oh, my God," Max gasped. 
"So, Suzie's not the only one," Will said. 
"But she will not be the last," Dustin said, "not if I have anything to say about it."
Dustin walked about the room some more. He walked over that boarded part of the floor.
The floor made a hollow sound. Dustin looked down. There were hinges and a roped fashioned on a rusty ring. 
Dustin pulled at the rope and the door rose up out of the floor. The others gathered around him. Jane was calmer now.
Everyone peered down into the hole. There were steps leading into the darkness. 
"Flashlight," Dustin commanded. Lucas handed him the flashlight. The beam shone downwards. There was a tunnel cut into the earth.
"I'm going in." Dustin descended the stairs. Everyone else looked at each other before following him.
Dustin held his pitchfork in a poised position ready to strike. Up ahead, he saw a light at the end of the tunnel. Chains clinked slightly. 
"Suzie," Dustin whispered. He pursued through the tunnel. 
Once at the end of the tunnel, Dustin peaked around the corner slightly just so he didn't get caught.
Suzie and her family were chained at the far wall. Two cops sit at a table playing cards.
Dustin turned away to face the group, who were just catching up. "She's here," he whispered. 
Mike looked around into the room and then back at the group. "It's just the two cops," he said, "we can take them."
"They have guns," Lucas whispered. 
"We look like the Children of the Corn. They're not going to take us seriously," Mike smirked at Lucas. 
"At first."
"Guys, shut up!" Dustin screamed and charged into the room.
With his pitchfork up like a spear, Dustin ran towards the table.
The table was empty.
Suddenly, a force knocked into Dustin. He fell on his back, coughing hard.
"Bad idea, kid," Paulson said standing over him.
Mark towered over Dustin also. "We were hoping you were coming."
"Dustin?" A tiny voice echoed from the corner. Suzie had looked up to see Dustin.
"Shut up, bitch!" Mark yelled in her direction.
 Dustin tried to sit up, but Paulson has his police baton pressed against his chest. "Stay down," Paulson said. 
"Dustin!" The rest of the kids ran into the room. They took a look around seeing Suzie and her family at the wall.
"Don't you dare call my Suzie a bitch," Dustin grunted as he pressed against the baton. 
In one swoop, Paulson struck Dustin across the cheek.
Everyone gasped in shock.
"You leave Dustin alone, you bastard!" Mike charged towards Mark.
Mark grabbed and threw him against the wall. Mike groaned as he rolled on the floor.
Jane threw her arm up to push Mark.  Come on, powers.
Mark grabbed her arm. Jane gasped. 
"Oh, I've heard of you," Mark said to Jane. "He told me about you."
"Who told you?" Lucas asked firmly. 
Mark gave the kids a devilish smile and said nothing.
"The Mind Flayer," Will said, suddenly realizing. 
"But he's gone," Lucas said, going back to his argument from earlier. "We closed the gate."
"And we burned him at the mall," Max said. 
"Oh, I can assure you he is very much here," Paulson said with a hint of glee in his voice.
"But how?" Lucas demanded. 
"I would tell you," Paulson released his baton from Dustin's chest, "but it would be a waste of breath after what we do with you next. Mark, would you do the honors?"
"Gladly." Mark threw Jane to the ground. 
Jane crawled over to Mike to shield him.
Mark started making his way to another wooden door near the table where they were playing cards.
"Release the others first, Mark," Paulson said. "They like it when they are loose."
Mark quickly moved to Suzie and the others and undid their shackles. 
Suzie crawled over to Dustin. "Dusty-bun," she said to him.
"I got your message, Suzy-poo," Dustin coughed.
Paulson had gotten over the wooden door. He undid the lock and sprinted over to the main entrance.
Mark joined him, shaking off Lucas on the way, who was trying to grab him.
"See ya," Paulson smiled and slammed the door shut.
The other wooden door exploded with large splinters. Two Demogorgons stalked into the room, snarling.
The kids gasped.
"What is that?" Suzie's sister asked terrified. 
Suzie turned around to look at the Demogorgons. She let out a shrill scream.
One Demogorgon screamed back and lunged for Suzie. 
In mid-stride, the Demogorgon flew sideways into the other. Jane had picked up Dustin's pitchfork and swung it at them. She ran up to them and plunged the pitchfork into the first Demogorgon and then the second one. Both shrieked in pain.
Jane let go of the pitchfork and began to help Mike up. Suzie helped Dustin up also. 
"We gotta go," said Dustin.
Suzie's family moved towards the door.
Lucas and Max helped Jane get Mike up.
"You guys go," Max said, "I'll distract them."
"No, I'll distract them," Lucas said back. 
"With what? A trowel?" Max scoffed.
"I can't live with myself if you get killed." Lucas sounded scared. 
"Guys, now is not a good time," Jane said aloud. "We got to go."
Will struggled to get the door open. "It won't open!"
From outside the door, there was a strange command, "Everybody, stand back!"
"Nancy?" Said Will surprised. 
Everyone got away from the door. The door handle exploded. 
Nancy kicked the door open and charged into the room with a shotgun. She fired two bullets, one each, into the Demogorgons. They shrieked in pain. 
Jonathan and Steve dragged the two cops into the room and threw them onto the floor. Robin barged in between Steve and Jonathan. 
"You ruined out date to the movies," she said to the cops.
Paulson and Mark quivered on the floor.
"Please," Paulson whimpered, "we were doing what he told us to do."
"Who told you?" Steve barked.
"The Mind Flayer," said Will from behind. 
Steve, Jonathan and Robin turned to face Will. 
"He's back," Will said.
"What?" said Jonathan shocked.
"That can't be possible," Steve said confused. "We closed the portal."
"Well, then explain why I have two Demogorgons in my sights," Nancy said without looking up.
"Fair point," Steve replied. 
"You may have gotten us this time," Paulson said, "but you will never succeed in beating him." He raised a pointed finger at Jane, "Not while she's alive."
Jane looked at Paulson terrified. 
"Okay, we'll take your advice, Dr. Claw," Steve said unfazed.
There was a low rumble. The lights flickered. The room began shaking. Clumps of dirt fell out of the ceiling.
"We need to get out of here," Lucas said.
"Go, go, go, go, go, go!" Dustin began pushing people out the door.
Jane led Mike through the tunnel and up the stairs.
There was a gunshot. Jane jumped at the sound but kept going. She got Mike out the door. 
Just as Nancy and Jonathan got out, the barn roof collapsed. A big bright light flashed from below. Then it disappeared leaving the barn in a pile of rubble.
Sirens could be heard from the distance.
Jane was reminded of Starcourt Mall as she saw the ambulances littering the snowy field. But it was different this time because everyone was okay.
Dustin, Max, and Lucas talked to Chief Callahan about Suzie's kidnapping. Suzie's family was being treated. Jane and Mike were cleared by the EMTs. 
Jane and Mike walked through the sea of police officers. Near the edge of the road, Joyce came out of the Wheeler's car alongside Mike's parents.
Joyce ran to Jane and embraced her. "Oh, sweetie, are you okay?" Joyce asked her.
Jane struggled to break free. "I'm fine."
Mrs. Wheeler hugged Mike. "Thank goodness you're okay."
Mike also tried to break free. "Of course, I'm okay."
"You did a great job, sport," Mr. Wheeler said to Mike. 
"Listen," Mr. Wheeler continued, "I've been thinking about what you said before."
"Are you up for a little bit of last minute shopping?" Mr. Wheeler asked him.
Mike smiled. He and his dad walked to the car and drove off. Jane wondered if that was why they were in their driveway earlier that day. 
It was Christmas Day. Everyone had come over to the Wheeler home and had a wonderful time.
Jonathan gave Nancy a new coat. Dustin and Lucas each got a lightsaber.
 Max and Jane gave each other the same Wonder Woman comic books. They laughed.
Mr. Wheeler got a new pair of slippers. Will gave Joyce a caricature portrait of the family.
Jane got a new vest from Mrs. Wheeler. She went upstairs to try it on and then came down to show it off.
"Oh, that's beautiful, El," Mrs. Wheeler said. 
"Thank you, Mrs. Wheeler." Jane was very pleased.
Mike came up next to Jane, "El?"
Jane turned, "Yeah, Mike?"
"Can we talk?" Mike looked at his mom, "Alone?"
Mrs. Wheeler scoffed and walked away.
"Come on." Mike took Jane's hand and led her up the stairs. 
They went into Mike's bedroom. Mike closed the door.
"Three inches," Jane said.
"What?" Mike was confused.
Jane smiled.
Getting her joke, Mike went, "Very funny." He opened the door a little. "Still…"
Mike and Jane sat down on the bed.
"Well, I, uh…" Mike stuttered, "thought long and hard on this. The reason I haven't given you a present is because I wanted to give you something special."
Jane wasn't sure what Mike was talking about. She was convinced that Mike had forgotten her, but now she doesn't know.
Seeing the look on her face, Mike bent down and pulled out a box from under the bed. "Here," he said.
Jane took the box and unwrapped it. Inside was a pair of Wonder Woman ice skates.
"They were the only ones available in your size," Mike explained. "We can take them back, and you can find a pair that you like."
Jane remembered hiding in the woods and watching the kids skate around the frozen lake. She longed to know what skating is like.
"I love them," Jane said. 
Mike sighed in relief. 
"Thank you."
"You're welcome," Mike said, "Now, get your coat. Time for your other gift."
"What other gift?" Jane was getting excited. 
"You'll see. Come on." Mike took her hand, and they ran out of the room.
Max was in the living room reading her new comic book.
From the stairs, she heard Mike shout, "Dad! Phase two is a-go."
Max looked up.
Mike and Jane ran down the stairs.
Mr. Wheeler stirred from his La-Z-Boy, "Huh? What?"
"Come on, dad!"
"All right. Hold your horses." Mr. Wheeler slowly rose out of the chair. 
Lucas and Will came in and sat down next to Max.
Mrs. Wheeler came by Mike and Jane, who were putting on their coats.
"I think the Wonder Woman skates are a bit much," Lucas said. 
"I think it's sweet," said Max.
"What is Mike even doing?" Lucas asked.
"Making a grand gesture," Will smiled.
Dustin came in. "Hey, guys, Mike needs my help. Wanna watch?"
"Oh, hell yes." Max jumped up.
The air was crisp out at Lake Jordan. The sun was setting, making the air colder. But Jane didn't mind. She was learning how to skate.
Once they got their skates on, Mike guided her to the edge and started gliding on the frozen lake.
Jane slipped a little bit. Mike pulled her up; she giggled. It was a fantastic feeling. She almost felt like she was free. She was floating with Mike. This almost forgives his attitude, she thought. 
"Mike?" She asked him.
"Yeah?" Mike responded. 
"Is this the other gift?"
"Oh, yeah. Uh…" They stopped skating. 
"El?" Mike began.
"I wanted to give you something special. Something you'd appreciate. I wanted to give you a pretty pair of pearl earrings." 
Jane then understood. He and Joyce had given her the same gift, but Joyce had beaten him.
"But you don't need them," Mike said. 
"What?" Jane was thrown for a loop.
Mike placed his hands on Jane's shoulders. "You are the most beautiful woman in the world, and I am very lucky to call you my girlfriend. I love you, El."
Jane gasped. The three words she wanted to hear from Mike were uttered. There was nothing else she wanted in the world.
"I love you too," Jane finally said,  smiling big. 
Mike smiled back. "Now, to cap off the moment." Mike pulled a walkie out of his coat pocket.
Jane's smile faded.
"Dustin, this is Mike. Do you copy?" Mike said into the walkie. 
"Copy, Gold Leader," Dustin spoke from the walkie. 
"Hit it," said Mike. 
Mexican music blasted from the walkie. 
"Dustin!" Mike shouted into the walkie. There was guffawing coming from the walkie.
Jane had enough of the shenanigans. She approached Mike and turned off the walkie. 
Mike looked confused. 
"No music," Jane said quietly, "I just want you."
Jane leaned in and kissed Mike. Mike returned the kiss.
Jane leaned on Mike as he pushed them around on the ice.
Two guards sat around a large table.
"Those American cops failed to capture her and killed two of our best soldiers," one guard muttered in Russian. 
"It may be time to bring out the big gun," the second guard said, also in Russian. He turned to a third guard standing against the wall. "Fetch the doctor."
The third guard left the room. He walked down a long corridor to a cell at the end of the hall. He opened the door and peered into the dark cell.
"Dr. Brenner," the guard called out in Russian, "we need your assistance."
There was silence. 
"Is it about the girl?" A voice asked in English. 
A book slammed shut.
The bed creaked. There were footsteps. 
"Let's get to work," the voice said.
Jane and Mike entered the house, their cheeks red from the cold. They began to take off their coats.
"So do I still get those earrings?" Jane asked with half hopes. She didn't expect to get them.
"No, I gave them to Dad to give to Mom," Mike answered. 
"Oh, that's low, Mike," Jane laughed.
Mike laughed too. "I'm gonna get us some cocoa.  I'll meet you upstairs."
"Okay." Jane ascended the stairs. 
Jane sat on Mike's bed, waiting for Mike. She picked up a book from his side table; Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.
There was a knock at the door. It was Nancy. "Can I come in?" She asked. 
"Yeah," Jane answered, putting down the book.
Nancy came in and sat down on the bed. "While you were out, I received a very interesting phone call regarding you," she said, "the call asked for you. I told him you were out."
Jane sat in silence. She felt scared of what Nancy was going to say next.

"El," Nancy began slowly, "Who is James?"

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